BirișGoran again is at the top of the tables when it comes to receiving prizes, both as a firm and its lawyers
Biriș Goran – 4 distincții la Gala “Avocați de Top 2023”
Aflată la cea de-a 13-a ediție, Gala “Avocați de Top 2023”, eveniment organizat de FinMedia și Piața Financiară, a reunit cei mai buni practicieni ai avocaturii din România, și a acordat premii în recunoașterea activității și realizărilor deosebite ale acestora.
2023 aduce, pentru avocații de la Biriș Goran, multiple distincții:
– Ruxandra Jianu, Partener Taxe pentru aria Drept Fiscal/ Tax practice
– Mariana Signeanu, Partener, pentru Real Estate
– Oana Olteanu, Partener, pentru aria Insolvență/Restructurare
– Premiul de excelență „Expertiză în TVA”, pentru includerea în Grupul de experți în domeniul TVA înființat de Comisia Europeană – Direcția Generală Impozitare și Uniune Vamală (TAXUD) la Bruxelles.
Practica de Taxe de la Biriș Goran este premiată la Gala Romanian Legal Awards
Practica de Taxe de la Biriș Goran a primit, în cadrul evenimentului organizat de Legal ieri, 6 iulie 2023, premiul pentru întreaga activitate a ultimului an, activitate care s-a distins prin creativitate, determinare și rezultate cu adevărat deosebite.
Recunoașterea contribuției deosebite a practicii de Taxe de la Biriș Goran se datorează inclusiv faptului că specialiștii în taxe au fost selectați pentru a face parte din Grupul de experți în domeniul TVA înființat de Comisia Europeană – Direcția Generală Impozitare și Uniune Vamală (TAXUD) la Bruxelles.
On the 18th of January 2022, Biriș Goran recorded a double success – being awarded by Construction & Investment Journal Europe, one of the major specialist publications, as Best Law Firm of the Year and best Tax & Financial Advisor of the Year.
This marks the sixth time Biriș Goran wins the Best Law Firm of the Year award and the first time winner of Tax & Financial Advisor of the Year.
BirişGoran was voted by a jury formed by representatives of top management from the European Real Estate Market including professionals from investment funds, peers, architects, developers, property owners and service providers.
As such, the CIJ Gala and the awards are benchmarks for the Romanian real estate industry.
Biriș Goran wins, for the fifth time, the prestigious real estate “Law Firm of the Year” award from Construction and Investment Journal.
BirișGoran wins, for the fourth time, the prestigious real estate “Law Firm of the Year” award from Construction and Investment Journal.
BirișGoran was awarded by Ziarul Financiar for being involved in the most important transaction in Romania in 2015 in the agribusiness sector: for assisting Comfert SRL in the sale of its agribusiness to Origin Enterprises plc, a major Irish food and agribusiness group.
BirișGoran was awarded twice by Ziarul Financiar for being involved in two of the most important transactions in Romania in 2014:
- the largest real estate transaction of 2014 – for assisting Raiffeisen Evolution in the sale of Promenada Mall to the South African investment fund, New Europe Property Investments (NEPI), in an approximately EUR 150 million transaction; and
- the largest acquisition made by a local entrepreneur – for assisting Chimopar SA (in bankruptcy), one of the oldest chemical products factories in Romania, with respect to the sale of land to DIY retailer Dedeman in an EUR 8.2 million transaction.
- BirișGoran wins again the prestigious real estate “Law Firm of the Year” award at the CIJ Gala.
- BirișGoran was awarded with “Best business lawyers” distinction by Piata Financiara magazine.
- Gabriel Biriș was awarded a special prize for exellency in tax by Piata Financiara magazine.
- BirișGoran was awarded a special prize for “Excellency in supporting the entrepreneurial activity in Romania” by
- BirișGoran won the special award for remarkable results in Real Estate at the Avocati de Top Gala
- The IP, IT & Media team won the special award for remarkable results at the Avocati de Top Gala
- Gabriel Biriș was awarded Special Prize for his continuous involvement in improving the Romanian business environment at the Romanian Capital Gala
- BirișGoran won the coveted award for the category “Law Firm of the Year” at the CEE Construction & Investment Journal Gala
- Gabriel Biriș was awarded a special prize for “noteworthy accomplishments” by
- BirișGoran won the “Property Law Firm of the Year, Romania” award at the Global Law Experts Awards
- BirișGoran won the “Real Estate Law Firm in Romania” award at the Corporate Int’l Global Awards
- Gabriel Biriș was awarded for “Performance in Tax” by Avocaţi de Top
- BirișGoran was awarded for “Performance in IT&C” by Avocati de Top in its yearly Gala event
- BirișGoran won the award for the category “Law Firm of the Year” at the CEE Construction & Investment Journal Gala
- BirișGoran won the Real Estate award at the Avocati de Top Gala