Tax Alert – Amnistie fiscală și bonificații pentru contribuabili
În cursul zilei de vineri, 6 septembrie 2024, a fost publicată Ordonanța de Urgență a Guvernului nr. 107/2024 pentru reglementarea unor măsuri fiscal-bugetare în domeniul gestionării creanțelor bugetare și a deficitului bugetar pentru bugetul general consolidat al României în anul 2024, precum și pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte normative.
Principalele prevederi introduse de acest act normativ sunt:
• Contribuabilii beneficiază de anularea integrală a dobânzilor și penalităților cumulate până la data de 31 august 2024 după îndeplinirea cumulativă a următoarelor obligații:
◦ dacă efectuează plata principalului până la 25 noiembrie 2024;
◦ dacă depune toate declarațiile fiscale până la data depunerii cererii de anulare a accesoriilor inclusiv;
◦ dacă depune cererea de anulare a accesoriilor după îndeplinirea obligațiilor mai sus enumerate;
• Prevederi speciale se aplică în cazul contribuabililor care beneficiază de eșalonarea la plată a obligațiilor fiscale la data intrării în vigoare a OUG sau care obțin eșalonarea până în data de 25 noiembrie 2024.
• Un procent de 3% din obligațiile bugetare principale restante în materie de impozit pe profit și impozit pe veniturile microîntreprinderilor vor fi transformate în bonificație pentru anul 2025 pentru contribuabilii care nu aveau obligații fiscale restante la data de 31 august 2024;
• Persoanele fizice care obligații fiscale restante la data de 31 august 2024 pot beneficia de următoarele facilități:
◦ anularea a 50% din obligației principale și anularea integrală a accesoriilor dacă aceștia plătesc 50% din total până la data de 25 noiembrie 2024 dacă obligația fiscală principală este mai mică de 5.000 lei inclusiv;
◦ anularea a 25% din obligației principale și anularea integrală a accesoriilor dacă aceștia plătesc 75% din total până la data de 25 noiembrie 2024 dacă obligația fiscală principală este mai mare de 5.000 lei;
Procedura de aplicare a acestor prevederi se va aproba prin ordin al Ministrului Finanțelor în termen de 15 zile de la intrarea în vigoare a Ordonanței de Urgență a Guvernului.
Tax Alert – Significant changes in the digitalization of the tax system in Romania
(e-Factura, e-Transport, e-TVA)
In the last week of June 2024, numerous projects of normative acts that bring changes to the RO e-Factura, RO e-Transport and RO e-TVA national systems were initiated and adopted accordingly. In this sense, we present their summary below:
• Government Emergency Ordinance no. 69/2024 for the amendment and completion of some normative acts in the field of management and implementation of the national system regarding the electronic invoice RO e-Factura and the electronic cash registers, as well as for other fiscal measures.
With regard to the RO e-Factura system:
◦ The obligation to use the RO e-Factura system is extended also in the B2C relationship;
◦ Certain categories of entities are exempted from using the RO e-Factura system until the 30th of June 2025, following that from the 1st of July 1 2025 they will have the obligation to use the system;
◦ Three new RO e-Factura registers are regulated;
◦ Self-invoices issued by taxable persons established in Romania will be considered invoices issued in the B2B relationship;
With regard to the receipts, the Ordinance regulates new elements must be included in them.
• Government Emergency Ordinance no. 70/2024 regarding some measures for the implementation and use of the RO e-TVA pre-filled statement and the valorisation of data and information through the implementation of a specific governance system, as well as other fiscal measures.
Among the regulated aspects we list the following:
◦ The RO e-TVA system enters into force on the 1st of August 2024 and it concerns operations carried out starting from the 1st of July 2024 by entities registered for VAT purposes;
◦ The pre-filled VAT return is regulated, which contains partial information obtained by ANAF;
◦ A fine is regulated, applicable in case of non-use of the special form for justifying the differences in the statement.
• Government Emergency Ordinance no. 78/2024 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Tax Code.
Through this GEO, the Ministry of Finance regulates the VAT regime of the SGR packaging guarantee. The main changes are:
◦ Certain clarifications are brought to the VAT regime applicable to the SGR warranty;
◦ The SGR regime for packages that are not returned at the end of the calendar year is clarified from a VAT perspective.
• Order no. 1.337/1.268/2024 for the approval of the Procedure for the use and operation of the national system regarding the monitoring of the transport of goods RO e-Transport.
Among the regulated aspects we list the following:
◦ Certain clarifications were made with regard to international shipments;
◦ Certain provisions relating to the real-time monitoring of transports are introduced;
◦ Clarifications are made regarding the declaration of goods with high tax risk purchased from “Cash and carry” stores representing products that customers choose from the shelf.
• Draft Government Emergency Ordinance approved on Friday, the 28th of June 2024, which provides a series of amendments for the three electronic reporting mechanisms e-Transport, e-Factura and e-TVA:
◦ On the matter of RO e-Transport:
▪ The fines for non-reporting of international transport of goods will apply from the 1st of January 2025 but only for authorized economic operators (AEO);
◦ On the matter of RO e-Factura:
▪ A grace period is implemented until the 1st of July 2025 for the RO e-Factura system applicable to cultural institutes / centers of other states, which operate in Romania, as well as by their suppliers/providers;
◦ On the matter of RO e-TVA:
▪ The e-TVA provisions of GEO no. 70/2024 will enter into force on the 1st of January 2025;
▪ People who apply the VAT system on collection will use the pre-filled e-TVA statement from the 1st of August 2025;
▪ The deadline for sending the pre-filled VAT return is extended;
▪ The deadline for submitting the response to the compliance notification will be 20 days from the date of its receipt;
▪ The amount of the fines provided has been revised.